Stop removing asphalt products with messy and toxic release agents.

Albina Asphalt supplies Solvs-It, a 100% biodegradable non-petroleum based asphalt release agent that completely complies with State and Federal EPA regulations.

Solvs-It is easy to use—no shaking or dilution required. It’s also more effective than diesel fuel, detergent, and plant-based products containing pine or citrus. This release agent can be used to clean both hot and cold equipment, and it works well in a variety of weather conditions.

We use Solvs-It at all of our project sites and encourage our clients to use it too!

Contact our sales team to start using the most environmentally-friendly and effective release agent on the market.

A 100% biodegradable, non-petroleum based asphalt release agent.
Spec Sheet SDS Sheet
Contains 100% active ingredients in a unique high-tech proprietary blend. It is excellent for removing asphalt spills and stains and it won’t harm the surface you’re cleaning.

Spec Sheet SDS Sheet

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